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Monday, 24 July 2017

TAFE Queensland SkillsTech has just completed a staggered onsite training program for SANTOS Operators in Narrabri Gas Project (NGP) in NSW. The NGP area covers around 95,000 hectares in the Pilliga and on private land in north-west New South Wales and was previously owned by Eastern Star Gas.

SANTOS reached agreement to acquire 100% of Eastern Star Gas (ESG) in mid July 2011. The acquisition of ESG builds on SANTOS' existing interests in the Gunnedah Basin with Santos now having the largest natural gas reserves position in NSW, with 1,216 PJ of 2P reserves and 2,238 PJ of 3P reserves.

Tinsfield No5 Lease package

Upgrade of facilities

Santos undertook an extensive review and upgrade of facilities and rehabilitated a number of operational sites. Eight wells and one core hole were drilled in addition to the existing pilot wells. The Narrabri Gas Project supplies NSW homes, small businesses, major industries with electricity from gas powered alternators.

New Facilities
Santos is currently undertaking an exploration and appraisal program to gain more information about the natural gas resource in the region. Santos has recently received Government approval to construct a water treatment facility at Leewood. This will allow the saline water to be treated by reverse osmosis and more than two thirds to be reused. Santos is proposing to use the treated water to irrigate a section of the Leewood property and for operational purposes.

Leewood Water treatment pond

Leewood 50 Million litre storage tank

New Training for existing staff

The training program was delivered onsite in Narrabri Operations centre over 4 x 1 week programs to get existing operation staff aligned to the SANTOS training framework. After discussions with Senior Advisor Operation Training, Competency training manager and the site Superintendent Narrabri Operations, Energy NSW EABU (Eastern Australian Business Unit) and in consultation with a PMA subject matter expert from SkillsTech a list of gap units was developed and delivered onsite to fit into shifts and swings.

SANTOS Narrabri Video


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