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Sunday, 15 March 2015

QGC – Santos Interconnector Training

TAFE Queensland SkillsTech was selected to deliver specialist gas training for Santos GLNG operators and maintenance staff on the QGC – Santos GLNG interconnector (QGC-GNG interconnector) in Queensland.

The QGC-GLNG interconnector joins QGC’s and Santos GLNG’s LNG pipelines in two places – one on the western side of The Narrows Crossing near Mt Larcom in Central Queensland, and one on Curtis Island.   The construction of the two interconnectors will help both QGC and Santos GLNG to run their LNG plants as efficiently as possible. The two interconnect locations will enable gas to flow from both upstream locations to each LNG plant allowing for downtime and planned maintenance for both proponents.

The interconnectors offer flexibility over the lifetime of both projects and provides the proponents with more options for plant operation.   The training for interconnector operators and maintenance staff was conducted in the field over four days, with three days in a classroom environment, and one day on-site with practical applications.



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