Over the past weeks many people have inquired about other
formal qualifications in the Instrumentation and control field. In this post I
hope this clear it all up any confusion from what is a confusing situation. This
text applies only to Queensland training as I am not fully aware of when
instrumentation training started in other states.
In Queensland instrumentation started in 1979. The course
was called CN154 and basically covered many subjects not now in the current
qualifications. This was the first of the instrumentation qualifications in
Queensland and the outcome was a called a Fitter (instrumentation ) with a full
restricted electrical license. Within this course was a full year of electrical
training including all electrical theory now in the electrical course including
motors, generators, wiring etc as well
as analogue and digital electronics,
pneumatics and all facets of instrumentation used in laboratories, quarries,
gas plants, heavy refining industries and water sewage .Over the years the trade has been minimized in some areas and expanded in others. So it has been quite a difficult prospect when one sits down and looks how the subjects related over the years. Having done this I notice there are many gaps between training packages. .
All the MEM training packages in Queensland were a dual
trade, 5 year apprenticeship. As stated
in the earlier blog this equated to the dual trade in the UEE package.
CN154 1985-1995
Fitter Instrumentation with full restricted electrical license 4 years
MEM40198 - 1998
Dual trade electrical instrumentation 5 years
MEM30498 - 1998
Instrumentation trade only 4 years
MEM40103 - 2003 Dual
trade electrical instrumentation 5 years
MEM40105 - 2005
Dual trade electrical instrumentation 5 years
1990 -1997 Dual trade electrical instrumentation 5 years
1990-1997 Sugar industry only did stage 2 instrumentation and full electrical
1997-2009 instrumentation only 4 years
UTE39036 1997 –
2009 Dual trade electrical instrumentation 5 years
UEE31207 2009
March 2012 instrumentation only
UEE31210 (this
one was only around for a very short time)
UEE 31211 current
qualifications: instrumentation only 4
UEE 30811/31211
current qualification: Dual trade electrical instrumentation 5 years
Now the problem is that over the years the qualifications
have changed. Some subjects have been
dropped and others added.
Also there is an issue called “currency”. Currency is whether the knowledge you have gained
is relevant to the modern instrumentation industry today.
When I did my trade in 1979 we worked mostly in 4-20 mA
loops, links and levers, electronics, electrical and pneumatic based
Some of the gear I worked on included mercury filled
differential pressure flow meters designed by George Kent in the early 20tth
century. Now days that is all different we delve mostly in current /digital
loops, protocols, DDC, some pneumatics and internet applications. Hart
communicators and process calibrators are the norm today as is PLC
applications, SCADA and Distributed control systems. In my day they were new.
So if one was trained in a course older than 5 years it is
safe to say that there would be some subjects that that person may not have
completed in the trade but could be deemed competent through an RPL activity. As many instrumentation people I know still work in the
industry they have been upskilled over the year. The basics of theory are the
same when it comes to flow pressure level temperature process control and
valves but the calibration and usage may have changed.
This is what an RPL activity can do recognise areas that may
need revisiting or upskilling in. So to be current, as well have all done or are doing here
now with teachers, we are upskilling through an RPL activity to obtain the new
qualification. There has been a lot of change in some process and new solar and
renewable energy applications. We are also heavily involved in the internet and
networking capabilities now as with the introduction of foundation fieldbus and
other protocols. In my opinion if I was to maintain my currency I would go
through an RPL process and see what new areas I would need to learn. This trade
is changing all the time and in the future will be the forefront of all
communications applications in plants.
Being in the field for over 30 years and being a teacher for
half of that I keep my skills up to date by going back into industry and
working with the new equipment. Also where
I work we only use the equipment industry now use so that people we train are
work ready when returning to their worksite.
There is one qualification I have seen on the blog which I have little knowledge about UEE 42211. This qualification is the next step for people who have UEE 31211 but it is mostly Hazardous areas subjects. UEE 40411 only covers stage two instrumentation and UEE 42211 could be used for gaining the stage three instrumentation but will not give you a trade qualification. I hope this clears it all up any confusion.
Mal in foreground with the SkillsTech Electrotechnology
Malcolm Garrick
Business Manager - Delivery Teams
Educational Delivery
T: +617 3259 3052
M: +614 0759 0901
F: +617 3259 3078
E: Malcolm.Garrick@tafe.qld.edu.au
W: tafeskillstech.edu.au
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